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当你是家里第一个上大学的人时,大学可能会让你不知所措, or when you have limited finances or a disability. TRiO学生支持服务是一个联邦资助的项目,旨在帮助学生取得成功.

TRiO Students gathered around a banner

TRiO Services

TRiO提供免费服务,帮助参与者在大学取得成功并及时毕业. These services include:

  • tutoring
  • academic advising
  • career development assistance
  • personal, academic and career advising
  • equipment access
  • college success workshops and discussions

Am I Eligible for TRIO?

符合条件的学生包括第一代大学生(父母双方都没有获得四年制学位,你没有获得两年制或四年制学位)和符合收入标准的学生(由联邦指导方针确定)。, as well as students with a documented disability. 学生必须先修副学士学位才能转到四年制学位课程.

To participate in TRIO a student must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident
  • 被太阳城集团博彩录取或目前在太阳城集团博彩就读大学水平课程
  • Demonstrate high motivation to successfully complete your coursework

AND meet one of the following:

  • 第一代大学生(你的父母都没有获得四年制学位,你也没有获得两年制或四年制学位)
  • Low-income, according to federal guidelines
  • Have a documented disability

How to Join TRIO

Contact TRIO staff to learn more about our services. Then complete the online application.

After completing the application, an informal intake interview will be scheduled with a TRIO academic advisor. Here you will learn more about our program, and you are encouraged to share background, goals, current academic concerns and expectations.

Shortly after, 如果您根据项目的资格标准被选为项目参与者,您将收到通知, your academic needs and space available in the program.

After being accepted, 您将有一个个性化的学术计划,与您的顾问协商制定. 这将基于通过需求评估工具确定的需求和/或通过您向您的顾问表达的需求. In consultation with your advisor, 你将为本学期设定一些学术和个人目标,并制定一个计划,列出获得学位的推荐课程.

“三重奏项目帮助确保了我在太阳城集团博彩过去两年的成功. They have helped me with scheduling, ensuring I am on track to complete my degree in time, and by giving great advice for my future. Take advantage if you qualify!”

Isaac Raymond

TRIO Services

Student Success Services Grant Aid

TRIO很荣幸在每个学年结束时向符合条件的学生提供补助金. Eligibility for TRIO grant aid is based on involvement, Pell Grant eligibility, financial need and class standing.


A series of 50-minute workshops aims to help students improve their academic, personal and social skills. Workshops are offered in a variety of settings, small group, one-on-one and online to provide flexibility for our students. Workshop schedules are issued at the beginning of each semester. Topics include managing your time efficiently, getting along with instructors, financing your education, planning your four-year degree and more.

Academic Advising

TRIO academic advisor are able to provide assistance with creating current, and planning future, course schedules. 进度报告也代表TRIO的每个学生发送给教师,以记录学生的出勤情况, academic performance and current grade in the course. Instructors also are encouraged to make additional comments for success. 任何课程成绩低于“C”的学生都被建议与他们的指导老师讨论改进计划.

Establishing Goals

An individualized academic plan is developed with each new TRIO student. Crafted between our students and TRIO academic advisor, 该计划确定了具体的学术目标和支持需求,同时阐明了成功实现目标的策略.


Students in TRIO are eligible for individual tutoring. 整个学期,学生可以在一个学科领域与一位导师合作, meeting the tutor at regularly scheduled times on a weekly basis. 在学生成功的辅导实验室里,TRIO的学生也可以进行上门辅导 & Tutoring Center.

Financial Literacy

TRIO学术顾问可以帮助学生提交免费的联邦学生援助申请(FAFSA)。. 学术顾问也可以帮助学生找到适用的奖学金,包括校内和校外的. TRIO also partners with R.I.A. 联邦信用联盟带来令人兴奋的,动手有关预算,信贷等信息!

Cultural and Social Activities

TRiO致力于建立一个学习型社区,让来自不同背景的学生有机会享受太阳城集团博彩社区的多样性. 我们全年提供免费的社交和文化活动,让学生与他们的同伴见面, faculty and staff. TRiO与其他校园组织合作,提供令人兴奋的机会和实地考察.

Transfer Planning

TRIO的学生可以与学术顾问一起制定个性化的转学计划. 鼓励学生与他们的学术顾问一起寻找潜在的转学学校并探索专业选择. TRIO also arranges free transfer school visits for an immersed experience.

Support for Students with Disabilities

学术顾问与我们的残疾学生密切合作,以促进他们的学习体验. 我们与太阳城集团博彩残疾服务办公室合作,通过帮助学生更好地了解住宿,为残疾学生提供支持, ensure class selections are tailored to specific needs, access to technology to support academic goals, and support in how to talk with professors about needs and accommodations.

Career Exploration

TRIO的学术顾问还提供专业和职业指导以及转学建议, graduation and employment. TRIO的学生可以参与职业评估,并使用职业规划工具.

Textbook Access

TRIO在BHC图书馆中保留了大量当前的教科书,仅供TRIO学生使用. Textbooks may be checked out in the library for two hours. 学生也有机会从文本中扫描章节,并将其存储在闪存驱动器上以备以后使用.


TRIO Student Support Services

Quad-Cities Campus
Building 1, under the library

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